August brought firsts for both the boys this year. First Ryan started Kindergarten on Aug 5th. We tried to prep him during the summer that he would be attending a big kid school. He wasn't so sure about this and at one point he told us, "I just want to go to school with the little kids." I took him shopping two days before school started for his school supplies. A new backpack, a pencil box, crayons, eraser, glue stick and pencils and Grandma Toni bought him a first day of school outfit. He was very excited about his new supplies. The first day of school I took him to school and he did just fine. He found his name tag at his seat with a very enthusiastic, "I found it!"
We are now three weeks into school. It has taken Ryan a little while to settle into his new routine. Carpet time, where the children listen to stories and work on letters and numbers is Ryan's best time. He sits and participates well. Working at his desk and especially writing and spelling his name were met with more resistance. The teacher was able to get him to trace his name at the top of his papers written in highlighter. Now I am happy to say that after 3 weeks he is writing his name on his own. We are now hoping that the district will hurry up and get a permanent aide in the classroom with him. He has had 4 different ones in 3 weeks. It does not seem to have affected him much to have different aides but we know that it is when things are consistent that Ryan does the best. He has started Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. We are very excited to see what new things he will learn this year!
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